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International thermal coal prices continued to languish in negative territory as the market stabilized, offering no impetus for a price rebound. Key importers such as India and China have curtailed procurement, given their ample stockpiles. The market remained relatively steady on the supply side, with only marginal disruptions observed in the U.S., though these disruptions provided no material uplift to […]
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The authors of this report build a phase-out priority score and identify the coal-fired power plants that would need to be decommissioned now to comply with the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 (NZE) scenario. pathway. We assume the other coal power plants continue to operate to the end of their lifetime. We show that 70% of the […]
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Based on updated current capital costs, this report provides projections of future changes in costs consistent with updated global electricity scenarios which incorporate different levels of achievement of global climate policy ambition. Levelised costs of electricity (LCOEs) are also included and provide a summary of the relative competitiveness of generation technologies.
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The International Energy Agency predicts that global coal demand will reduce by 70% by 2050. But what does that mean for coal-dependent countries like South Africa? This working paper explores how the concept of a just transition away from coal has taken shape in the country – and how a diminishing coal industry might affect the workers and state-owned companies […]
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This report is a focused review of recent developments regarding insurance coverage for carbon dioxide (CO2) geological storage projects. It seeks to address the following: what companies are offering or planning to offer insurance to CO2 storage projects, what is the scope and duration of the coverage offered, and does coverage extend to the transportation of CO2 to the project […]
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International thermal coal prices keep heading south in the bearish market. Fundamentals remain unchanged as major importers limit their procurement activities. The supply side remains stable with no significant disruptions. Despite escalating geopolitical tensions and further sanctions on Russia, the hoped-for price rally failed to materialise. Source: iEnergy
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While the number of new coal power permits has decreased, the existing pipeline of projects remains substantial, posing a potential challenge for China to meet its climate targets and energy transition ambitions. This report finds that in the first half of 2024, China reduced coal power permits by 83% compared to H1 2023, permitting only 9 gigawatts (GW) in H1 […]
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Coal remained the second largest fuel consumed in 2022–23. Domestic coal consumption fell 4 per cent in 2022–23, more than the average ten-year rate of decline of 2 per cent. Lower coal-fired electricity generation has continued to drive this decline, with this activity accounting for most of Australia’s domestic coal consumption. The other notable usages of coal are in iron […]
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Price volatility remained a feature of the steelmaking coal industry over last twelve months, but relative to the wild price swing seen in the early 2020s, the magnitude of change in the first half of CY24 was modest. The regional demand picture was mixed with strong steel production growth in India and Southeast Asia, and recovery in Europe, offsetting output […]
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