2nd-China-Coal-Import-International-Summit-2025 2nd-China-Coal-Import-International-Summit-2025 2nd-China-Coal-Import-International-Summit-2025

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Platform for Sharing Coal Market Analysis

The Coal Hub was founded by former IHS Markit Director David Callanan who held several senior roles including Director of European Gas and Power, Global Coal, and Maritime & Trade Consulting

Over 800 coal reports online – updated each week

Updated weekly, The Coal Hub has grown to over 800 online coal reports, studies and presentations – an invaluable time saving resource for research teams.

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Our users include coal market analysts from energy companies & utilities, shippers, banks, coal mining companies, and traders.


The Coal Hub is totally independent with no affiliation to industry groups, funding, sponsorship or endorsement of any kind. Revenue comes from our subscriptions.

Other Hubs include : Global LNG Hub, European Gas Hub, Global Maritime Hub,  Global Hydrogen Hub

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