In Q1’2021, Ukraine’s coal imports surged to 5.2 mio t (+0.8 mio t or +18% y-o-y).
Ukraine received 3.1 mio t or 60% of its coal imports from Russia, 1.2 mio t or 23% from the US, 0.6 mio t or 12% from Kazakhstan, while other countries supplied the remaining 0.3 mio t or 5%.
Unexpectedly low temperatures in the beginning of 2021 in Ukraine spurred demand for imported coal amid heightened consumption at local TPPs. However, Ukraine finished heating season earlier this year amid warmer weather, leading to the recovery of coal stocks.
On December 16, 2020, Ukraine prolonged 65% duty on coal imports from Russia until the end of 2021. The duty was not imposed on imports of anthracite and coking coal, the two types of coal that Ukraine facing shortage.
Source: CAA Analytics